The Taming of the Shrew
Act II, Scene 1

Padua. A room in Baptista Minola’s house.
- Enter Katherina and Bianca.
1 - 7- Good sister, wrong me not, nor wrong yourself,
- To make a bondmaid and a slave of me—
- That I disdain; but for these other gawds,
- Unbind my hands, I’ll pull them off myself,
- Yea, all my raiment, to my petticoat,
- Or what you will command me will I do,
- So well I know my duty to my elders.
8 - 9- Of all thy suitors here I charge thee tell
- Whom thou lov’st best; see thou dissemble not.
10 - 12- Believe me, sister, of all the men alive
- I never yet beheld that special face
- Which I could fancy more than any other.
13- Minion, thou liest. Is’t not Hortensio?
14 - 15- If you affect him, sister, here I swear
- I’ll plead for you myself, but you shall have him.
16 - 17- O then belike you fancy riches more:
- You will have Gremio to keep you fair.
18 - 21- Is it for him you do envy me so?
- Nay then you jest, and now I well perceive
- You have but jested with me all this while.
- I prithee, sister Kate, untie my hands.
22- If that be jest, then all the rest was so.
- Strikes her.
- Enter Baptista.
23 - 28- Why, how now, dame, whence grows this insolence?
- Bianca, stand aside. Poor girl, she weeps.
- Go ply thy needle, meddle not with her.
- For shame, thou hilding of a devilish spirit,
- Why dost thou wrong her that did ne’er wrong thee?
- When did she cross thee with a bitter word?
29- Her silence flouts me, and I’ll be reveng’d.
- Flies after Bianca.
30- What, in my sight? Bianca, get thee in.
- Exit Bianca.
31 - 36- What, will you not suffer me? Nay, now I see
- She is your treasure, she must have a husband;
- I must dance barefoot on her wedding-day,
- And for your love to her lead apes in hell.
- Talk not to me, I will go sit and weep,
- Till I can find occasion of revenge.
- Exit.
37 - 38- Was ever gentleman thus griev’d as I?
- But who comes here?
- Enter Gremio, Lucentio in the habit of a mean man, Petruchio
- with Hortensio as a musician, and Tranio as Lucentio with
- his boy Biondello bearing a lute and books.
39- Good morrow, neighbor Baptista.
40- Good morrow, neighbor Gremio. God save you, gentlemen!
41 - 42- And you, good sir! Pray have you not a daughter
- Call’d Katherina, fair and virtuous?
43- I have a daughter, sir, call’d Katherina.
44- You are too blunt, go to it orderly.
45 - 59- You wrong me, Signior Gremio, give me leave.
- I am a gentleman of Verona, sir,
- That hearing of her beauty and her wit,
- Her affability and bashful modesty,
- Her wondrous qualities and mild behavior,
- Am bold to show myself a forward guest
- Within your house, to make mine eye the witness
- Of that report which I so oft have heard.
- And for an entrance to my entertainment,
- I do present you with a man of mine,
- Presenting Hortensio.
- Cunning in music and the mathematics,
- To instruct her fully in those sciences,
- Whereof I know she is not ignorant.
- Accept of him, or else you do me wrong.
- His name is Litio, born in Mantua.
60 - 62- Y’ are welcome, sir, and he, for your good sake.
- But for my daughter Katherine, this I know,
- She is not for your turn, the more my grief.
63 - 64- I see you do not mean to part with her,
- Or else you like not of my company.
65 - 66- Mistake me not, I speak but as I find.
- Whence are you, sir? What may I call your name?
67 - 68- Petruchio is my name, Antonio’s son,
- A man well known throughout all Italy.
69- I know him well; you are welcome for his sake.
70 - 72- Saving your tale, Petruchio, I pray
- Let us that are poor petitioners speak too.
- Backare! You are marvelous forward.
73- O, pardon me, Signior Gremio, I would fain be doing.
74 - 81- I doubt it not, sir; but you will curse your wooing.
- Neighbor, this is a gift very grateful, I am sure of it. To
- express the like kindness, myself, that have been more
- kindly beholding to you than any, freely give unto you this
- young scholar,
- Presenting Lucentio.
- that hath been long studying at Rheims, as cunning in Greek,
- Latin, and other languages, as the other in music and
- mathematics. His name is Cambio; pray accept his service.
82 - 84- A thousand thanks, Signior Gremio. Welcome, good Cambio.
- To Tranio.
- But, gentle sir, methinks you walk like a stranger. May I be
- so bold to know the cause of your coming?
85 - 98- Pardon me, sir, the boldness is mine own,
- That being a stranger in this city here,
- Do make myself a suitor to your daughter,
- Unto Bianca, fair and virtuous.
- Nor is your firm resolve unknown to me,
- In the preferment of the eldest sister.
- This liberty is all that I request,
- That upon knowledge of my parentage,
- I may have welcome ’mongst the rest that woo,
- And free access and favor as the rest;
- And toward the education of your daughters,
- I here bestow a simple instrument,
- And this small packet of Greek and Latin books.
- If you accept them, then their worth is great.
99- Lucentio is your name, of whence, I pray?
100- Of Pisa, sir, son to Vincentio.
101 - 111- A mighty man of Pisa; by report
- I know him well. You are very welcome, sir.
- Take you the lute, and you the set of books.
- You shall go see your pupils presently.
- Holla, within!
- Enter Baptista’s Servant.
- Sirrah, lead these gentlemen
- To my daughters, and tell them both,
- These are their tutors. Bid them use them well.
- Exit Baptista’s Servant with Lucentio and Hortensio,
- Biondello following.
- We will go walk a little in the orchard,
- And then to dinner. You are passing welcome,
- And so I pray you all to think yourselves.
112 - 118- Signior Baptista, my business asketh haste,
- And every day I cannot come to woo.
- You knew my father well, and in him me,
- Left solely heir to all his lands and goods,
- Which I have bettered rather than decreas’d.
- Then tell me, if I get your daughter’s love,
- What dowry shall I have with her to wife?
119 - 120- After my death, the one half of my lands,
- And in possession twenty thousand crowns.
121 - 125- And for that dowry, I’ll assure her of
- Her widowhood, be it that she survive me,
- In all my lands and leases whatsoever.
- Let specialties be therefore drawn between us,
- That covenants may be kept on either hand.
126 - 127- Ay, when the special thing is well obtain’d,
- That is, her love; for that is all in all.
128 - 135- Why, that is nothing; for I tell you, father,
- I am as peremptory as she proud-minded;
- And where two raging fires meet together,
- They do consume the thing that feeds their fury.
- Though little fire grows great with little wind,
- Yet extreme gusts will blow out fire and all;
- So I to her, and so she yields to me,
- For I am rough, and woo not like a babe.
136 - 137- Well mayst thou woo, and happy be thy speed!
- But be thou arm’d for some unhappy words.
138 - 139- Ay, to the proof, as mountains are for winds,
- That shake not, though they blow perpetually.
- Enter Hortensio as Litio with his head broke.
140- How now, my friend, why dost thou look so pale?
141- For fear, I promise you, if I look pale.
142- What, will my daughter prove a good musician?
143 - 144- I think she’ll sooner prove a soldier,
- Iron may hold with her, but never lutes.
145- Why then thou canst not break her to the lute?
146 - 157- Why no, for she hath broke the lute to me.
- I did but tell her she mistook her frets,
- And bow’d her hand to teach her fingering;
- When, with a most impatient devilish spirit,
- “Frets, call you these?” quoth she, “I’ll fume with them.”
- And with that word she struck me on the head,
- And through the instrument my pate made way,
- And there I stood amazed for a while,
- As on a pillory, looking through the lute,
- While she did call me rascal fiddler
- And twangling Jack, with twenty such vild terms,
- As had she studied to misuse me so.
158 - 160- Now by the world, it is a lusty wench!
- I love her ten times more than e’er I did.
- O, how I long to have some chat with her!
161 - 165- Well, go with me and be not so discomfited.
- Proceed in practice with my younger daughter;
- She’s apt to learn, and thankful for good turns.
- Signior Petruchio, will you go with us,
- Or shall I send my daughter Kate to you?
166 - 180- I pray you do. I’ll attend her here,
- Exit Baptista with Gremio, Tranio, and Hortensio. Manet
- Petruchio.
- And woo her with some spirit when she comes.
- Say that she rail, why then I’ll tell her plain
- She sings as sweetly as a nightingale;
- Say that she frown, I’ll say she looks as clear
- As morning roses newly wash’d with dew;
- Say she be mute, and will not speak a word,
- Then I’ll commend her volubility,
- And say she uttereth piercing eloquence;
- If she do bid me pack, I’ll give her thanks,
- As though she bid me stay by her a week;
- If she deny to wed, I’ll crave the day
- When I shall ask the banes, and when be married.
- But here she comes, and now, Petruchio, speak.
- Enter Katherina.
- Good morrow, Kate, for that’s your name, I hear.
181 - 182- Well have you heard, but something hard of hearing:
- They call me Katherine that do talk of me.
183 - 192- You lie, in faith, for you are call’d plain Kate,
- And bonny Kate, and sometimes Kate the curst;
- But Kate, the prettiest Kate in Christendom,
- Kate of Kate-Hall, my super-dainty Kate,
- For dainties are all Kates, and therefore, Kate,
- Take this of me, Kate of my consolation—
- Hearing thy mildness prais’d in every town,
- Thy virtues spoke of, and thy beauty sounded,
- Yet not so deeply as to thee belongs,
- Myself am mov’d to woo thee for my wife.
193 - 195- Mov’d! In good time! Let him that mov’d you hither
- Remove you hence. I knew you at the first
- You were a moveable.
196- Why, what’s a moveable?
197- A join’d-stool.
198- Thou hast hit it; come sit on me.
199- Asses are made to bear, and so are you.
200- Women are made to bear, and so are you.
201- No such jade as you, if me you mean.
202 - 203- Alas, good Kate, I will not burden thee,
- For knowing thee to be but young and light.
204 - 205- Too light for such a swain as you to catch,
- And yet as heavy as my weight should be.
206- Should be! Should—buzz!
207- Well ta’en, and like a buzzard.
208- O slow-wing’d turtle, shall a buzzard take thee?
209- Ay, for a turtle, as he takes a buzzard.
210- Come, come, you wasp, i’ faith you are too angry.
211- If I be waspish, best beware my sting.
212- My remedy is then to pluck it out.
213- Ay, if the fool could find it where it lies.
214 - 215- Who knows not where a wasp does wear his sting?
- In his tail.
216- In his tongue.
217- Whose tongue?
218- Yours, if you talk of tales, and so farewell.
219 - 220- What, with my tongue in your tail? Nay, come again,
- Good Kate; I am a gentleman—
221- That I’ll try.
- She strikes him.
222- I swear I’ll cuff you, if you strike again.
223 - 225- So may you lose your arms.
- If you strike me, you are no gentleman,
- And if no gentleman, why then no arms.
226- A herald, Kate? O, put me in thy books!
227- What is your crest? A coxcomb?
228- A combless cock, so Kate will be my hen.
229- No cock of mine, you crow too like a craven.
230- Nay, come, Kate, come; you must not look so sour.
231- It is my fashion when I see a crab.
232- Why, here’s no crab, and therefore look not sour.
233- There is, there is.
234- Then show it me.
235- Had I a glass, I would.
236- What, you mean my face?
237- Well aim’d of such a young one.
238- Now, by Saint George, I am too young for you.
239- Yet you are wither’d.
240- ’Tis with cares.
241- I care not.
242- Nay, hear you, Kate. In sooth you scape not so.
243- I chafe you if I tarry. Let me go.
244 - 258- No, not a whit, I find you passing gentle:
- ’Twas told me you were rough and coy and sullen,
- And now I find report a very liar;
- For thou art pleasant, gamesome, passing courteous,
- But slow in speech, yet sweet as spring-time flowers.
- Thou canst not frown, thou canst not look askaunce,
- Nor bite the lip, as angry wenches will,
- Nor hast thou pleasure to be cross in talk;
- But thou with mildness entertain’st thy wooers,
- With gentle conference, soft, and affable.
- Why does the world report that Kate doth limp?
- O sland’rous world! Kate like the hazel-twig
- Is straight and slender, and as brown in hue
- As hazel-nuts, and sweeter than the kernels.
- O, let me see thee walk. Thou dost not halt.
259- Go, fool, and whom thou keep’st command.
260 - 263- Did ever Dian so become a grove
- As Kate this chamber with her princely gait?
- O, be thou Dian, and let her be Kate,
- And then let Kate be chaste, and Dian sportful!
264- Where did you study all this goodly speech?
265- It is extempore, from my mother-wit.
266- A witty mother! Witless else her son.
267- Am I not wise?
268- Yes, keep you warm.
269 - 282- Marry, so I mean, sweet Katherine, in thy bed;
- And therefore setting all this chat aside,
- Thus in plain terms: your father hath consented
- That you shall be my wife; your dowry ’greed on;
- And will you, nill you, I will marry you.
- Now, Kate, I am a husband for your turn,
- For by this light whereby I see thy beauty,
- Thy beauty that doth make me like thee well,
- Thou must be married to no man but me;
- For I am he am born to tame you, Kate,
- And bring you from a wild Kate to a Kate
- Conformable as other household Kates.
- Enter Baptista, Gremio, Tranio as Lucentio.
- Here comes your father. Never make denial;
- I must and will have Katherine to my wife.
283- Now, Signior Petruchio, how speed you with my daughter?
284 - 285- How but well, sir? How but well?
- It were impossible I should speed amiss.
286- Why, how now, daughter Katherine, in your dumps?
287 - 291- Call you me daughter? Now I promise you
- You have show’d a tender fatherly regard,
- To wish me wed to one half lunatic,
- A madcap ruffian and a swearing Jack,
- That thinks with oaths to face the matter out.
292 - 300- Father, ’tis thus: yourself and all the world,
- That talk’d of her, have talk’d amiss of her.
- If she be curst, it is for policy,
- For she’s not froward, but modest as the dove;
- She is not hot, but temperate as the morn;
- For patience she will prove a second Grissel,
- And Roman Lucrece for her chastity;
- And to conclude, we have ’greed so well together
- That upon Sunday is the wedding-day.
301- I’ll see thee hang’d on Sunday first.
302- Hark, Petruchio, she says she’ll see thee hang’d first.
303- Is this your speeding? Nay then good night our part!
304 - 319- Be patient, gentlemen, I choose her for myself.
- If she and I be pleas’d, what’s that to you?
- ’Tis bargain’d ’twixt us twain, being alone,
- That she shall still be curst in company.
- I tell you ’tis incredible to believe
- How much she loves me. O, the kindest Kate,
- She hung about my neck, and kiss on kiss
- She vied so fast, protesting oath on oath,
- That in a twink she won me to her love.
- O, you are novices! ’tis a world to see
- How tame, when men and women are alone,
- A meacock wretch can make the curstest shrew.
- Give me thy hand, Kate, I will unto Venice
- To buy apparel ’gainst the wedding-day.
- Provide the feast, father, and bid the guests,
- I will be sure my Katherine shall be fine.
320 - 321- I know not what to say, but give me your hands.
- God send you joy, Petruchio, ’tis a match.
Both Gremio and Tranio
322- Amen, say we. We will be witnesses.
323 - 326- Father, and wife, and gentlemen, adieu.
- I will to Venice, Sunday comes apace.
- We will have rings and things, and fine array;
- And kiss me, Kate, we will be married a’ Sunday.
- Exeunt Petruchio and Katherine severally.
327- Was ever match clapp’d up so suddenly?
328 - 329- Faith, gentlemen, now I play a merchant’s part,
- And venture madly on a desperate mart.
330 - 331- ’Twas a commodity lay fretting by you;
- ’Twill bring you gain, or perish on the seas.
332- The gain I seek is, quiet in the match.
333 - 336- No doubt but he hath got a quiet catch.
- But now, Baptista, to your younger daughter;
- Now is the day we long have looked for.
- I am your neighbor, and was suitor first.
337 - 338- And I am one that love Bianca more
- Than words can witness, or your thoughts can guess.
339- Youngling, thou canst not love so dear as I.
340- Greybeard, thy love doth freeze.
341 - 342- But thine doth fry.
- Skipper, stand back, ’tis age that nourisheth.
343- But youth in ladies’ eyes that flourisheth.
344 - 348- Content you, gentlemen, I will compound this strife.
- ’Tis deeds must win the prize, and he of both
- That can assure my daughter greatest dower
- Shall have my Bianca’s love.
- Say, Signior Gremio, what can you assure her?
349 - 365- First, as you know, my house within the city
- Is richly furnished with plate and gold,
- Basins and ewers to lave her dainty hands;
- My hangings all of Tyrian tapestry;
- In ivory coffers I have stuff’d my crowns;
- In cypress chests my arras counterpoints,
- Costly apparel, tents, and canopies,
- Fine linen, Turkey cushions boss’d with pearl,
- Valance of Venice gold in needle-work;
- Pewter and brass, and all things that belongs
- To house or house-keeping. Then at my farm
- I have a hundred milch-kine to the pail,
- Six score fat oxen standing in my stalls,
- And all things answerable to this portion.
- Myself am struck in years, I must confess,
- And if I die tomorrow, this is hers,
- If whilst I live she will be only mine.
366 - 374- That “only” came well in. Sir, list to me:
- I am my father’s heir and only son.
- If I may have your daughter to my wife,
- I’ll leave her houses three or four as good,
- Within rich Pisa walls, as any one
- Old Signior Gremio has in Padua,
- Besides two thousand ducats by the year
- Of fruitful land, all which shall be her jointer.
- What, have I pinch’d you, Signior Gremio?
375 - 379- Two thousand ducats by the year of land!
- Aside.
- My land amounts not to so much in all.—
- That she shall have, besides an argosy
- That now is lying in Marsellis road.
- What, have I chok’d you with an argosy?
380 - 383- Gremio, ’tis known my father hath no less
- Than three great argosies, besides two galliasses
- And twelve tight galleys. These I will assure her,
- And twice as much, what e’er thou off’rest next.
384 - 386- Nay, I have off’red all, I have no more,
- And she can have no more than all I have;
- If you like me, she shall have me and mine.
387 - 388- Why then the maid is mine from all the world,
- By your firm promise; Gremio is outvied.
389 - 392- I must confess your offer is the best,
- And let your father make her the assurance,
- She is your own, else you must pardon me;
- If you should die before him, where’s her dower?
393- That’s but a cavil; he is old, I young.
394- And may not young men die as well as old?
395 - 401- Well, gentlemen,
- I am thus resolv’d: on Sunday next you know
- My daughter Katherine is to be married.
- Now on the Sunday following shall Bianca
- Be bride to you, if you make this assurance;
- If not, to Signior Gremio.
- And so I take my leave, and thank you both.
- Exit.
402 - 406- Adieu, good neighbor. Now I fear thee not.
- Sirrah, young gamester, your father were a fool
- To give thee all, and in his waning age
- Set foot under thy table. Tut, a toy!
- An old Italian fox is not so kind, my boy.
- Exit.
407 - 414- A vengeance on your crafty withered hide!
- Yet I have fac’d it with a card of ten.
- ’Tis in my head to do my master good.
- I see no reason but suppos’d Lucentio
- Must get a father, call’d suppos’d Vincentio;
- And that’s a wonder. Fathers commonly
- Do get their children; but in this case of wooing,
- A child shall get a sire, if I fail not of my cunning.
- Exit.