Antony and Cleopatra
Act II, Scene 5
Alexandria. Cleopatra’s palace.
- Enter Cleopatra, Charmian, Iras, and Alexas.
1 - 2- Give me some music; music, moody food
- Of us that trade in love.
Charmian, Iras, and Alexas
3- The music, ho!
- Enter Mardian the Eunuch.
4- Let it alone, let’s to billards. Come, Charmian.
5- My arm is sore, best play with Mardian.
6 - 7- As well a woman with an eunuch play’d
- As with a woman. Come, you’ll play with me, sir?
8- As well as I can, madam.
9 - 16- And when good will is show’d, though’t come too short,
- The actor may plead pardon. I’ll none now.
- Give me mine angle, we’ll to th’ river; there,
- My music playing far off, I will betray
- Tawny-finn’d fishes; my bended hook shall pierce
- Their slimy jaws; and as I draw them up,
- I’ll think them every one an Antony,
- And say, “Ah, ha! Y’ are caught.”
17 - 20- ’Twas merry when
- You wager’d on your angling; when your diver
- Did hang a salt-fish on his hook, which he
- With fervency drew up.
21 - 29- That time? O times!
- I laugh’d him out of patience; and that night
- I laugh’d him into patience; and next morn,
- Ere the ninth hour, I drunk him to his bed;
- Then put my tires and mantles on him, whilst
- I wore his sword Philippan.
- Enter an Egyptian Messenger.
- O, from Italy!
- Ram thou thy fruitful tidings in mine ears,
- That long time have been barren.
Egyptian Messenger
30- Madam, madam—
31 - 35- Antonio’s dead! If thou say so, villain,
- Thou kill’st thy mistress; but well and free,
- If thou so yield him, there is gold, and here
- My bluest veins to kiss—a hand that kings
- Have lipp’d, and trembled kissing.
Egyptian Messenger
36- First, madam, he is well.
37 - 41- Why, there’s more gold.
- But, sirrah, mark, we use
- To say the dead are well. Bring it to that,
- The gold I give thee will I melt and pour
- Down thy ill-uttering throat.
Egyptian Messenger
42- Good madam, hear me.
43 - 48- Well, go to, I will.
- But there’s no goodness in thy face, if Antony
- Be free and healthful—so tart a favor
- To trumpet such good tidings! If not well,
- Thou shouldst come like a Fury crown’d with snakes,
- Not like a formal man.
Egyptian Messenger
49- Will’t please you hear me?
50 - 54- I have a mind to strike thee ere thou speak’st;
- Yet if thou say Antony lives, ’tis well,
- Or friends with Caesar, or not captive to him,
- I’ll set thee in a shower of gold, and hail
- Rich pearls upon thee.
Egyptian Messenger
55- Madam, he’s well.
56- Well said.
Egyptian Messenger
57- And friends with Caesar.
58- Th’ art an honest man.
Egyptian Messenger
59- Caesar and he are greater friends than ever.
60- Make thee a fortune from me.
Egyptian Messenger
61- But yet, madam—
62 - 68- I do not like “but yet,” it does allay
- The good precedence; fie upon ’but yet’!
- “But yet” is as a jailer to bring forth
- Some monstrous malefactor. Prithee, friend,
- Pour out the pack of matter to mine ear,
- The good and bad together: he’s friends with Caesar,
- In state of health thou say’st, and thou say’st free.
Egyptian Messenger
69 - 70- Free, madam, no; I made no such report.
- He’s bound unto Octavia.
71- For what good turn?
Egyptian Messenger
72- For the best turn i’ th’ bed.
73- I am pale, Charmian.
Egyptian Messenger
74- Madam, he’s married to Octavia.
75- The most infectious pestilence upon thee!
- Strikes him down.
Egyptian Messenger
76- Good madam, patience.
77 - 82- What say you?
- Strikes him.
- Hence,
- Horrible villain, or I’ll spurn thine eyes
- Like balls before me; I’ll unhair thy head,
- She hales him up and down.
- Thou shalt be whipt with wire, and stew’d in brine,
- Smarting in ling’ring pickle.
Egyptian Messenger
83 - 84- Gracious madam,
- I that do bring the news made not the match.
85 - 89- Say ’tis not so, a province I will give thee,
- And make thy fortunes proud; the blow thou hadst
- Shall make thy peace for moving me to rage,
- And I will boot thee with what gift beside
- Thy modesty can beg.
Egyptian Messenger
90- He’s married, madam.
91- Rogue, thou hast liv’d too long.
- Draw a knife.
Egyptian Messenger
92 - 93- Nay then I’ll run.
- What mean you, madam? I have made no fault.
- Exit.
94 - 95- Good madam, keep yourself within yourself,
- The man is innocent.
96 - 99- Some innocents scape not the thunderbolt.
- Melt Egypt into Nile! And kindly creatures
- Turn all to serpents! Call the slave again,
- Though I am mad, I will not bite him. Call!
100- He is afeard to come.
101 - 108- I will not hurt him.
- These hands do lack nobility that they strike
- A meaner than myself, since I myself
- Have given myself the cause. Come hither, sir.
- Enter the Egyptian Messenger again.
- Though it be honest, it is never good
- To bring bad news. Give to a gracious message
- An host of tongues, but let ill tidings tell
- Themselves when they be felt.
Egyptian Messenger
109- I have done my duty.
110 - 112- Is he married?
- I cannot hate thee worser than I do,
- If thou again say yes.
Egyptian Messenger
113- He’s married, madam.
114- The gods confound thee, dost thou hold there still?
Egyptian Messenger
115- Should I lie, madam?
116 - 120- O, I would thou didst;
- So half my Egypt were submerg’d and made
- A cistern for scal’d snakes! Go get thee hence!
- Hadst thou Narcissus in thy face, to me
- Thou wouldst appear most ugly. He is married?
Egyptian Messenger
121- I crave your Highness’ pardon.
122- He is married?
Egyptian Messenger
123 - 125- Take no offense that I would not offend you;
- To punish me for what you make me do
- Seems much unequal. He’s married to Octavia.
126 - 130- O, that his fault should make a knave of thee,
- That art not what th’ art sure of. Get thee hence;
- The merchandise which thou hast brought from Rome
- Are all too dear for me. Lie they upon thy hand,
- And be undone by ’em!
- Exit Egyptian Messenger.
131- Good your Highness, patience.
132- In praising Antony I have disprais’d Caesar.
133- Many times, madam.
134 - 146- I am paid for’t now.
- Lead me from hence;
- I faint, O Iras, Charmian! ’Tis no matter.
- Go to the fellow, good Alexas, bid him
- Report the feature of Octavia, her years,
- Her inclination; let him not leave out
- The color of her hair. Bring me word quickly.
- Exit Alexas.
- Let him forever go—let him not, Charmian—
- Though he be painted one way like a Gorgon,
- The other way’s a Mars.
- To Mardian.
- Bid you Alexas
- Bring me word how tall she is. Pity me, Charmian,
- But do not speak to me. Lead me to my chamber.
- Exeunt.