The Winter’s Tale
Act V, Scene 3
A chapel in Paulina’s house.
- Enter Leontes, Polixenes, Florizel, Perdita, Camillo,
- Paulina, Lords, etc.
1 - 2- O grave and good Paulina, the great comfort
- That I have had of thee!
3 - 9- What, sovereign sir,
- I did not well, I meant well. All my services
- You have paid home; but that you have vouchsaf’d,
- With your crown’d brother and these your contracted
- Heirs of your kingdoms, my poor house to visit,
- It is a surplus of your grace, which never
- My life may last to answer.
10 - 16- O Paulina,
- We honor you with trouble; but we came
- To see the statue of our queen. Your gallery
- Have we pass’d through, not without much content
- In many singularities; but we saw not
- That which my daughter came to look upon,
- The statue of her mother.
17 - 26- As she liv’d peerless,
- So her dead likeness, I do well believe,
- Excels what ever yet you look’d upon,
- Or hand of man hath done; therefore I keep it
- Lonely, apart. But here it is; prepare
- To see the life as lively mock’d as ever
- Still sleep mock’d death. Behold, and say ’tis well.
- Paulina draws a curtain, and discovers Hermione standing
- like a statue.
- I like your silence, it the more shows off
- Your wonder; but yet speak. First, you, my liege;
- Comes it not something near?
27 - 33- Her natural posture!
- Chide me, dear stone, that I may say indeed
- Thou art Hermione; or rather, thou art she
- In thy not chiding; for she was as tender
- As infancy and grace. But yet, Paulina,
- Hermione was not so much wrinkled, nothing
- So aged as this seems.
34- O, not by much.
35 - 37- So much the more our carver’s excellence,
- Which lets go by some sixteen years, and makes her
- As she liv’d now.
38 - 48- As now she might have done,
- So much to my good comfort as it is
- Now piercing to my soul. O, thus she stood,
- Even with such life of majesty (warm life,
- As now it coldly stands), when first I woo’d her!
- I am asham’d; does not the stone rebuke me
- For being more stone than it? O royal piece,
- There’s magic in thy majesty, which has
- My evils conjur’d to remembrance, and
- From thy admiring daughter took the spirits,
- Standing like stone with thee.
49 - 53- And give me leave,
- And do not say ’tis superstition, that
- I kneel, and then implore her blessing. Lady,
- Dear queen, that ended when I but began,
- Give me that hand of yours to kiss.
54 - 56- O, patience!
- The statue is but newly fix’d; the color’s
- Not dry.
57 - 61- My lord, your sorrow was too sore laid on,
- Which sixteen winters cannot blow away,
- So many summers dry. Scarce any joy
- Did ever so long live; no sorrow
- But kill’d itself much sooner.
62 - 65- Dear my brother,
- Let him that was the cause of this have pow’r
- To take off so much grief from you as he
- Will piece up in himself.
66 - 69- Indeed, my lord,
- If I had thought the sight of my poor image
- Would thus have wrought you (for the stone is mine),
- I’ld not have show’d it.
70- Do not draw the curtain.
71 - 72- No longer shall you gaze on’t, lest your fancy
- May think anon it moves.
73 - 77- Let be, let be.
- Would I were dead but that methinks already—
- What was he that did make it? See, my lord,
- Would you not deem it breath’d? And that those veins
- Did verily bear blood?
78 - 79- Masterly done!
- The very life seems warm upon her lip.
80 - 81- The fixure of her eye has motion in’t,
- As we are mock’d with art.
82 - 84- I’ll draw the curtain.
- My lord’s almost so far transported that
- He’ll think anon it lives.
85 - 88- O sweet Paulina,
- Make me to think so twenty years together!
- No settled senses of the world can match
- The pleasure of that madness. Let’t alone.
89 - 90- I am sorry, sir, I have thus far stirr’d you; but
- I could afflict you farther.
91 - 96- Do, Paulina;
- For this affliction has a taste as sweet
- As any cordial comfort. Still methinks
- There is an air comes from her. What fine chisel
- Could ever yet cut breath? Let no man mock me,
- For I will kiss her.
97 - 100- Good my lord, forbear.
- The ruddiness upon her lip is wet;
- You’ll mar it if you kiss it; stain your own
- With oily painting. Shall I draw the curtain?
101- No! Not these twenty years.
102 - 103- So long could I
- Stand by, a looker-on.
104 - 110- Either forbear,
- Quit presently the chapel, or resolve you
- For more amazement. If you can behold it,
- I’ll make the statue move indeed, descend,
- And take you by the hand; but then you’ll think
- (Which I protest against) I am assisted
- By wicked powers.
111 - 114- What you can make her do,
- I am content to look on; what to speak,
- I am content to hear; for ’tis as easy
- To make her speak as move.
115 - 118- It is requir’d
- You do awake your faith. Then, all stand still.
- On; those that think it is unlawful business
- I am about, let them depart.
119 - 120- Proceed;
- No foot shall stir.
121 - 132- Music! Awake her! Strike!
- Music.
- ’Tis time; descend; be stone no more; approach;
- Strike all that look upon with marvel. Come;
- I’ll fill your grave up. Stir; nay, come away;
- Bequeath to death your numbness; for from him
- Dear life redeems you. You perceive she stirs.
- Hermione comes down.
- Start not; her actions shall be holy, as
- You hear my spell is lawful. Do not shun her
- Until you see her die again, for then
- You kill her double. Nay, present your hand.
- When she was young, you woo’d her; now, in age,
- Is she become the suitor?
133 - 135- O, she’s warm!
- If this be magic, let it be an art
- Lawful as eating.
136- She embraces him.
137 - 138- She hangs about his neck.
- If she pertain to life let her speak too.
139 - 140- Ay, and make it manifest where she has liv’d,
- Or how stol’n from the dead.
141 - 147- That she is living,
- Were it but told you, should be hooted at
- Like an old tale; but it appears she lives,
- Though yet she speak not. Mark a little while.
- Please you to interpose, fair madam, kneel,
- And pray your mother’s blessing. Turn, good lady,
- Our Perdita is found.
148 - 155- You gods, look down
- And from your sacred vials pour your graces
- Upon my daughter’s head! Tell me, mine own,
- Where hast thou been preserv’d? Where liv’d? How found
- Thy father’s court? For thou shalt hear that I,
- Knowing by Paulina that the oracle
- Gave hope thou wast in being, have preserv’d
- Myself to see the issue.
156 - 163- There’s time enough for that;
- Least they desire (upon this push) to trouble
- Your joys with like relation. Go together,
- You precious winners all; your exultation
- Partake to every one. I, an old turtle,
- Will wing me to some wither’d bough, and there
- My mate (that’s never to be found again)
- Lament till I am lost.
164 - 184- O, peace, Paulina!
- Thou shouldst a husband take by my consent,
- As I by thine a wife: this is a match,
- And made between ’s by vows. Thou hast found mine,
- But how, is to be question’d; for I saw her
- (As I thought) dead; and have (in vain) said many
- A prayer upon her grave. I’ll not seek far
- (For him, I partly know his mind) to find thee
- An honorable husband. Come, Camillo,
- And take her by the hand, whose worth and honesty
- Is richly noted; and here justified
- By us, a pair of kings. Let’s from this place.
- What? Look upon my brother. Both your pardons,
- That e’er I put between your holy looks
- My ill suspicion. This’ your son-in-law,
- And son unto the King, whom heavens directing
- Is troth-plight to your daughter. Good Paulina,
- Lead us from hence, where we may leisurely
- Each one demand, and answer to his part
- Perform’d in this wide gap of time, since first
- We were dissever’d. Hastily lead away.
- Exeunt.