Troilus and Cressida
Act V, Scene 4
The plains between Troy and the Grecian camp.
Alarum. Enter Thersites. Excursions.
1 - 16
Now they are clapper-clawing one another; I’ll go look on.
That dissembling abominable varlet, Diomed, has got that
same scurvy doting foolish young knave’s sleeve of Troy
there in his helm. I would fain see them meet, that that
same young Troyan ass, that loves the whore there, might
send that Greekish whoremasterly villain with the sleeve
back to the dissembling luxurious drab, of a sleeveless
arrant. A’ th’ t’ other side, the policy of those crafty
swearing rascals, that stale old mouse-eaten dry cheese,
Nestor, and that same dog-fox, Ulysses, is not prov’d worth
a blackberry. They set me up, in policy, that mongrel cur,
Ajax, against that dog of as bad a kind, Achilles; and now
is the cur Ajax prouder than the cur Achilles, and will not
arm today; whereupon the Grecians began to proclaim
barbarism, and policy grows into an ill opinion.
Enter Diomedes, and Troilus following.
Soft, here comes sleeve and t’ other.
17 - 18
Fly not, for shouldst thou take the river Styx,
I would swim after.
19 - 22
Thou dost miscall retire.
I do not fly, but advantageous care
Withdrew me from the odds of multitude.
Have at thee!
23 - 24
Hold thy whore, Grecian!—now for thy whore, Troyan!—now the
sleeve, now the sleeve!
Exeunt Troilus and Diomedes fighting.
25 - 26
What art thou, Greek? Art thou for Hector’s match?
Art thou of blood and honor?
27 - 28
No, no, I am a rascal, a scurvy railing knave, a very filthy
I do believe thee, live.
30 - 34
God-a-mercy, that thou wilt believe me, but a plague break
thy neck—for frighting me! What’s become of the wenching
rogues? I think they have swallow’d one another. I would
laugh at that miracle—yet in a sort lechery eats itself.
I’ll seek them.