Timon of Athens
Act I, Scene 2
A banqueting-room in Timon’s house.

Byam Shaw, 1901
Hoboys playing loud music. A great banquet serv’d in,
Flavius and others attending.
Then enter Lord Timon, the States, the Athenian Lords,
Alcibiades, and Ventidius, which Timon redeem’d from prison.
Then comes, dropping after all, Apemantus, discontentedly,
like himself.
1 - 8
Most honored Timon,
It hath pleas’d the gods to remember my father’s age,
And call him to long peace.
He is gone happy, and has left me rich.
Then, as in grateful virtue I am bound
To your free heart, I do return those talents,
Doubled with thanks and service, from whose help
I deriv’d liberty.
9 - 14
O, by no means,
Honest Ventidius. You mistake my love;
I gave it freely ever, and there’s none
Can truly say he gives if he receives.
If our betters play at that game, we must not dare
To imitate them; faults that are rich are fair.
A noble spirit!
16 - 22
Nay, my lords,
Ceremony was but devis’d at first
To set a gloss on faint deeds, hollow welcomes,
Recanting goodness, sorry ere ’tis shown;
But where there is true friendship, there needs none.
Pray sit, more welcome are ye to my fortunes
Than my fortunes to me.
First Lord
My lord, we always have confess’d it.
Ho, ho, confess’d it? Hang’d it, have you not?
O, Apemantus, you are welcome.
26 - 28
You shall not make me welcome.
I come to have thee thrust me out of doors.
29 - 35
Fie, th’ art a churl. Ye have got a humor there
Does not become a man, ’tis much to blame.
They say, my lords, “Ira furor brevis est,”
But yond man is very angry. Go,
Let him have a table by himself,
For he does neither affect company,
Nor is he fit for’t indeed.
36 - 37
Let me stay at thine apperil, Timon.
I come to observe, I give thee warning on’t.
38 - 40
I take no heed of thee; th’ art an Athenian, therefore
welcome. I myself would have no power; prithee let my meat
make thee silent.
41 - 51
I scorn thy meat, ’twould choke me; for I should ne’er
flatter thee. O you gods! What a number of men eats Timon,
and he sees ’em not! It grieves me to see so many dip their
meat in one man’s blood, and all the madness is, he cheers
them up too.
I wonder men dare trust themselves with men.
Methinks they should invite them without knives:
Good for their meat, and safer for their lives.
There’s much example for’t: the fellow that sits next him, now parts bread with him, pledges the breath of him in a divided draught, is the readiest man to kill him; ’t ’as been prov’d. If I were a huge man, I should fear to drink at meals,
Lest they should spy my windpipe’s dangerous notes:
Great men should drink with harness on their throats.
My lord, in heart; and let the health go round.
Second Lord
Let it flow this way, my good lord.
54 - 70
Flow this way? A brave fellow! He keeps his tides well.
Those healths will make thee and thy state look ill, Timon.
Here’s that which is too weak to be a sinner,
Honest water, which ne’er left man i’ th’ mire.
This and my food are equals, there’s no odds;
Feasts are too proud to give thanks to the gods.
Apemantus’ grace.
Immortal gods, I crave no pelf,
I pray for no man but myself.
Grant I may never prove so fond,
To trust man on his oath or bond;
Or a harlot for her weeping,
Or a dog that seems a-sleeping,
Or a keeper with my freedom,
Or my friends, if I should need ’em.
Amen. So fall to’t:
Rich men sin, and I eat root.
Eats and drinks.
Much good dich thy good heart, Apemantus!
Captain Alcibiades, your heart’s in the field now.
My heart is ever at your service, my lord.
73 - 74
You had rather be at a breakfast of enemies than a dinner of
75 - 76
So they were bleeding new, my lord, there’s no meat like
’em; I could wish my best friend at such a feast.
77 - 78
Would all those flatterers were thine enemies then, that
then thou mightst kill ’em—and bid me to ’em!
First Lord
79 - 81
Might we but have that happiness, my lord, that you would
once use our hearts, whereby we might express some part of
our zeals, we should think ourselves forever perfect.
82 - 99
O, no doubt, my good friends, but the gods themselves have
provided that I shall have much help from you: how had you
been my friends else? Why have you that charitable title
from thousands, did not you chiefly belong to my heart? I
have told more of you to myself than you can with modesty
speak in your own behalf; and thus far I confirm you. O you
gods, think I, what need we have any friends, if we should
ne’er have need of ’em? They were the most needless
creatures living, should we ne’er have use for ’em; and
would most resemble sweet instruments hung up in cases, that
keeps their sounds to themselves. Why, I have often wish’d
myself poorer, that I might come nearer to you. We are born
to do benefits; and what better or properer can we call our
own than the riches of our friends? O, what a precious
comfort ’tis to have so many like brothers commanding one
another’s fortunes! O, joy’s e’en made away ere’t can be
born! Mine eyes cannot hold out water, methinks. To forget
their faults, I drink to you.
Thou weep’st to make them drink, Timon.
Second Lord
101 - 102
Joy had the like conception in our eyes,
And at that instant like a babe sprung up.
Ho, ho! I laugh to think that babe a bastard.
Third Lord
I promise you, my lord, you mov’d me much.
106 - 107
What means that trump?
Enter Flaminius.
How now?
108 - 109
Please you, my lord, there are certain ladies most desirous
of admittance.
Ladies? What are their wills?
111 - 112
There comes with them a forerunner, my lord, which bears
that office to signify their pleasures.
I pray let them be admitted.
114 - 119
Hail to thee, worthy Timon, and to all
That of his bounties taste! The five best senses
Acknowledge thee their patron, and come freely
To gratulate thy plenteous bosom. There,
Taste, touch, all, pleas’d from thy table rise;
They only now come but to feast thine eyes.
120 - 121
They’re welcome all, let ’em have kind admittance.
Music, make their welcome!
First Lord
You see, my lord, how ample y’ are belov’d.
Enter Cupid with the masque of Ladies, as Amazons, with
lutes in their hands, dancing and playing.
123 - 137
What a sweep of vanity comes this way!
They dance? They are madwomen.
Like madness is the glory of this life,
As this pomp shows to a little oil and root.
We make ourselves fools to disport ourselves,
And spend our flatteries to drink those men
Upon whose age we void it up again
With poisonous spite and envy.
Who lives that’s not depraved or depraves?
Who dies that bears not one spurn to their graves
Of their friends’ gift?
I should fear those that dance before me now
Would one day stamp upon me. ’T ’as been done;
Men shut their doors against a setting sun.
The Lords rise from table, with much adoring of Timon, and
to show their loves, each single out an Amazon, and all
dance, men with women, a lofty strain or two to the hoboys,
and cease.
138 - 143
You have done our pleasures much grace, fair ladies,
Set a fair fashion on our entertainment,
Which was not half so beautiful and kind;
You have added worth unto’t and lustre,
And entertain’d me with mine own device.
I am to thank you for’t.
First Lady Amazon Masker
My lord, you take us even at the best.
145 - 146
Faith, for the worst is filthy, and would not hold taking, I
doubt me.

Byam Shaw, 1901
147 - 148
Ladies, there is an idle banquet attends you,
Please you to dispose yourselves.
All Lady Amazon Maskers
Most thankfully, my lord.
The little casket bring me hither.
153 - 159
Yes, my lord.
More jewels yet?
There is no crossing him in ’s humor,
Else I should tell him well (i’ faith, I should),
When all’s spent, he’ld be cross’d then, and he could.
’Tis pity bounty had not eyes behind,
That man might ne’er be wretched for his mind.
First Lord
Where be our men?
Here, my lord, in readiness.
Second Lord
Our horses!
Enter Flavius with the casket.
163 - 167
O my friends! I have one word
To say to you. Look you, my good lord,
I must entreat you honor me so much
As to advance this jewel; accept it and wear it,
Kind my lord.
First Lord
I am so far already in your gifts—
170 - 171
My lord, there are certain nobles of the Senate
Newly alighted, and come to visit you.
They are fairly welcome.
173 - 174
I beseech your honor,
Vouchsafe me a word, it does concern you near.
175 - 176
Near? Why then another time I’ll hear thee.
I prithee let’s be provided to show them entertainment.
I scarce know how.
178 - 180
May it please your honor, Lord Lucius
(Out of his free love) hath presented to you
Four milk-white horses, trapp’d in silver.
181 - 183
I shall accept them fairly; let the presents
Be worthily entertain’d.
Exit Servilius.
Enter Flaminius.
How now? What news?
184 - 186
Please you, my lord, that honorable gentleman, Lord
Lucullus, entreats your company tomorrow to hunt with him,
and has sent your honor two brace of greyhounds.
187 - 188
I’ll hunt with him, and let them be receiv’d,
Not without fair reward.
189 - 203
What will this come to?
He commands us to provide, and give great gifts,
And all out of an empty coffer;
Nor will he know his purse, or yield me this,
To show him what a beggar his heart is,
Being of no power to make his wishes good.
His promises fly so beyond his state
That what he speaks is all in debt: he owes
For ev’ry word. He is so kind that he now
Pays interest for’t; his land’s put to their books.
Well, would I were gently put out of office
Before I were forc’d out!
Happier is he that has no friend to feed
Than such that do e’en enemies exceed.
I bleed inwardly for my lord.
204 - 206
You do yourselves
Much wrong, you bate too much of your own merits.
Here, my lord, a trifle of our love.
Second Lord
With more than common thanks I will receive it.
Third Lord
O, he’s the very soul of bounty!
209 - 211
And now I remember, my lord, you gave
Good words the other day of a bay courser
I rode on. ’Tis yours, because you lik’d it.
Third Lord
O, I beseech you pardon me, my lord, in that.
213 - 216
You may take my word, my lord; I know no man
Can justly praise but what he does affect.
I weigh my friend’s affection with mine own.
I’ll tell you true, I’ll call to you.
All Lords
O, none so welcome.
218 - 225
I take all and your several visitations
So kind to heart, ’tis not enough to give;
Methinks, I could deal kingdoms to my friends,
And ne’er be weary. Alcibiades,
Thou art a soldier, therefore seldom rich,
It comes in charity to thee; for all thy living
Is ’mongst the dead, and all the lands thou hast
Lie in a pitch’d field.
Ay, defil’d land, my lord.
First Lord
We are so virtuously bound—
228 - 229
And so
Am I to you.
Second Lord
So infinitely endear’d—
All to you. Lights, more lights!
First Lord
232 - 233
The best of happiness,
Honor, and fortunes keep with you, Lord Timon!
Ready for his friends.
Exeunt Lords and others. Apemantus and Timon remain.
235 - 240
What a coil’s here!
Serving of becks and jutting-out of bums!
I doubt whether their legs be worth the sums
That are given for ’em. Friendship’s full of dregs;
Methinks false hearts should never have sound legs.
Thus honest fools lay out their wealth on curtsies.
241 - 242
Now, Apemantus, if thou wert not sullen,
I would be good to thee.
243 - 247
No, I’ll nothing; for if I should be brib’d too, there would
be none left to rail upon thee, and then thou wouldst sin
the faster. Thou giv’st so long, Timon (I fear me), thou
wilt give away thyself in paper shortly. What needs these
feasts, pomps, and vainglories?
248 - 249
Nay, and you begin to rail on society once, I am sworn not
to give regard to you. Farewell, and come with better music.
250 - 253
So; thou wilt not hear me now, thou shalt not then. I’ll
lock thy heaven from thee.
O that men’s ears should be
To counsel deaf, but not to flattery!