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King Richard II: Act II, Scene 4

King Richard II
Act II, Scene 4

A camp in Wales.

  1. Enter Earl of Salisbury and a Welsh Captain.

Welsh Captain

1 - 4
  1. My Lord of Salisbury, we have stay’d ten days,
  2. And hardly kept our countrymen together,
  3. And yet we hear no tidings from the King,
  4. Therefore we will disperse ourselves. Farewell!


5 - 6
  1. Stay yet another day, thou trusty Welshman.
  2. The King reposeth all his confidence in thee.

Welsh Captain

7 - 17
  1. ’Tis thought the King is dead; we will not stay.
  2. The bay-trees in our country are all wither’d,
  3. And meteors fright the fixed stars of heaven,
  4. The pale-fac’d moon looks bloody on the earth,
  5. And lean-look’d prophets whisper fearful change,
  6. Rich men look sad, and ruffians dance and leap,
  7. The one in fear to lose what they enjoy,
  8. The other to enjoy by rage and war.
  9. These signs forerun the death or fall of kings.
  10. Farewell! Our countrymen are gone and fled,
  11. As well assured Richard their king is dead.
  1. Exit.


18 - 24
  1. Ah, Richard! With the eyes of heavy mind
  2. I see thy glory like a shooting star
  3. Fall to the base earth from the firmament.
  4. Thy sun sets weeping in the lowly west,
  5. Witnessing storms to come, woe, and unrest.
  6. Thy friends are fled to wait upon thy foes,
  7. And crossly to thy good all fortune goes.
  1. Exit.
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