Henry IV, Pt. 2
Act IV, Scene 1

Yorkshire . Within the Forest of Gaultree .
- Enter the Archbishop of York , Mowbray , Lord Bardolph ,
- Hastings , and others , within the forest of Gaultree .
Archbishop of York
1- What is this forest call’d ?
Lord Hastings
2- ’Tis Gaultree forest , and’t shall please your Grace .
Archbishop of York
3 - 4- Here stand , my lords , and send discoverers forth
- To know the numbers of our enemies .
Lord Hastings
5- We have sent forth already .
Archbishop of York
6 - 17- ’Tis well done .
- My friends and brethren in these great affairs ,
- I must acquaint you that I have receiv’d
- New - dated letters from Northumberland ,
- Their cold intent , tenure , and substance thus :
- Here doth he wish his person , with such powers
- As might hold sortance with his quality ,
- The which he could not levy ; whereupon
- He is retir’d , to ripe his growing fortunes ,
- To Scotland , and concludes in hearty prayers
- That your attempts may overlive the hazard
- And fearful meeting of their opposite .
Lord Mowbray
18 - 19- Thus do the hopes we have in him touch ground
- And dash themselves to pieces .
- Enter Messenger .
Lord Hastings
20- Now , what news ?
21 - 24- West of this forest , scarcely off a mile ,
- In goodly form comes on the enemy ,
- And by the ground they hide , I judge their number
- Upon or near the rate of thirty thousand .
Lord Mowbray
25 - 26- The just proportion that we gave them out .
- Let us sway on and face them in the field .
Archbishop of York
27- What well - appointed leader fronts us here ?
- Enter Westmorland .
Lord Mowbray
28- I think it is my Lord of Westmorland .
Earl of Westmorland
29 - 30- Health and fair greeting from our general ,
- The Prince , Lord John and Duke of Lancaster .
Archbishop of York
31 - 32- Say on , my Lord of Westmorland , in peace ,
- What doth concern your coming .
Earl of Westmorland
33 - 55- Then , my lord ,
- Unto your Grace do I in chief address
- The substance of my speech . If that rebellion
- Came like itself , in base and abject routs ,
- Led on by bloody youth , guarded with rage ,
- And countenanc’d by boys and beggary —
- I say , if damn’d commotion so appear’d
- In his true , native , and most proper shape ,
- You , reverend father , and these noble lords
- Had not been here to dress the ugly form
- Of base and bloody insurrection
- With your fair honors . You , Lord Archbishop ,
- Whose see is by a civil peace maintain’d ,
- Whose beard the silver hand of peace hath touch’d ,
- Whose learning and good letters peace hath tutor’d ,
- Whose white investments figure innocence ,
- The dove , and very blessed spirit of peace ,
- Wherefore do you so ill translate yourself
- Out of the speech of peace that bears such grace ,
- Into the harsh and boist’rous tongue of war ?
- Turning your books to graves , your ink to blood ,
- Your pens to lances , and your tongue divine
- To a loud trumpet and a point of war ?
Archbishop of York
56 - 90- Wherefore do I this ? So the question stands .
- Briefly , to this end : we are all diseas’d ,
- And with our surfeiting and wanton hours
- Have brought ourselves into a burning fever ,
- And we must bleed for it ; of which disease
- Our late King Richard ( being infected ) died .
- But , my most noble Lord of Westmorland ,
- I take not on me here as a physician ,
- Nor do I as an enemy to peace
- Troop in the throngs of military men ;
- But rather show a while like fearful war
- To diet rank minds sick of happiness ,
- And purge th’ obstructions which begin to stop
- Our very veins of life . Hear me more plainly .
- I have in equal balance justly weigh’d
- What wrongs our arms may do , what wrongs we suffer ,
- And find our griefs heavier than our offenses .
- We see which way the stream of time doth run ,
- And are enforc’d from our most quiet there
- By the rough torrent of occasion ,
- And have the summary of all our griefs
- ( When time shall serve ) to show in articles ;
- Which long ere this we offer’d to the King ,
- And might by no suit gain our audience .
- When we are wrong’d and would unfold our griefs ,
- We are denied access unto his person
- Even by those men that most have done us wrong .
- The dangers of the days but newly gone ,
- Whose memory is written on the earth
- With yet appearing blood , and the examples
- Of every minute’s instance ( present now )
- Hath put us in these ill - beseeming arms ,
- Not to break peace , or any branch of it ,
- But to establish here a peace indeed ,
- Concurring both in name and quality .
Earl of Westmorland
91 - 95- When ever yet was your appeal denied ?
- Wherein have you been galled by the King ?
- What peer hath been suborn’d to grate on you ?
- That you should seal this lawless bloody book
- Of forg’d rebellion with a seal divine .
Archbishop of York
96 - 97- My brother general , the commonwealth ,
- I make my quarrel in particular .
Earl of Westmorland
98 - 99- There is no need of any such redress ,
- Or if there were , it not belongs to you .
Lord Mowbray
100 - 104- Why not to him in part , and to us all
- That feel the bruises of the days before ,
- And suffer the condition of these times
- To lay a heavy and unequal hand
- Upon our honors ?
Earl of Westmorland
105 - 114- O , my good Lord Mowbray ,
- Construe the times to their necessities ,
- And you shall say , indeed , it is the time ,
- And not the King , that doth you injuries .
- Yet , for your part , it not appears to me ,
- Either from the King or in the present time ,
- That you should have an inch of any ground
- To build a grief on . Were you not restor’d
- To all the Duke of Norfolk’s signories ,
- Your noble and right well - rememb’red father’s ?
Lord Mowbray
115 - 131- What thing , in honor , had my father lost ,
- That need to be reviv’d and breath’d in me ?
- The King that lov’d him , as the state stood then ,
- Was force perforce compell’d to banish him ;
- And then that Henry Bullingbrook and he ,
- Being mounted and both roused in their seats ,
- Their neighing coursers daring of the spur ,
- Their armed staves in charge , their beavers down ,
- Their eyes of fire sparkling through sights of steel ,
- And the loud trumpet blowing them together ;
- Then , then , when there was nothing could have stay’d
- My father from the breast of Bullingbrook ,
- O , when the King did throw his warder down
- ( His own life hung upon the staff he threw ),
- Then threw he down himself and all their lives
- That by indictment and by dint of sword
- Have since miscarried under Bullingbrook .
Earl of Westmorland
132 - 148- You speak , Lord Mowbray , now you know not what .
- The Earl of Herford was reputed then
- In England the most valiant gentleman .
- Who knows on whom fortune would then have smil’d ?
- But if your father had been victor there ,
- He ne’er had borne it out of Coventry ;
- For all the country in a general voice
- Cried hate upon him ; and all their prayers and love
- Were set on Herford , whom they doted on
- And bless’d and grac’d and did , more than the King —
- But this is mere digression from my purpose .
- Here come I from our princely general
- To know your griefs , to tell you from his Grace
- That he will give you audience , and wherein
- It shall appear that your demands are just ,
- You shall enjoy them , every thing set off
- That might so much as think you enemies .
Lord Mowbray
149 - 150- But he hath forc’d us to compel this offer ,
- And it proceeds from policy , not love .
Earl of Westmorland
151 - 160- Mowbray , you overween to take it so ;
- This offer comes from mercy , not from fear .
- For lo , within a ken our army lies :
- Upon mine honor , all too confident
- To give admittance to a thought of fear .
- Our battle is more full of names than yours ,
- Our men more perfect in the use of arms ,
- Our armor all as strong , our cause the best ;
- Then reason will our hearts should be as good .
- Say you not then our offer is compell’d .
Lord Mowbray
161- Well , by my will we shall admit no parley .
Earl of Westmorland
162 - 163- That argues but the shame of your offense :
- A rotten case abides no handling .
Lord Hastings
164 - 167- Hath the Prince John a full commission ,
- In very ample virtue of his father ,
- To hear and absolutely to determine
- Of what conditions we shall stand upon ?
Earl of Westmorland
168 - 169- That is intended in the general’s name .
- I muse you make so slight a question .
Archbishop of York
170 - 179- Then take , my Lord of Westmorland , this schedule ,
- For this contains our general grievances :
- Each several article herein redress’d ,
- All members of our cause , both here and hence ,
- That are ensinewed to this action
- Acquitted by a true substantial form
- And present execution of our wills —
- To us and to our purposes confin’d
- We come within our awful banks again ,
- And knit our powers to the arm of peace .
Earl of Westmorland
180 - 184- This will I show the general . Please you , lords ,
- In sight of both our battles we may meet ,
- And either end in peace , which God so frame !
- Or to the place of diff’rence call the swords
- Which must decide it .
Archbishop of York
185- My lord , we will do so .
- Exit Westmorland .
Lord Mowbray
186 - 187- There is a thing within my bosom tells me
- That no conditions of our peace can stand .
Lord Hastings
188 - 191- Fear you not that ; if we can make our peace
- Upon such large terms and so absolute
- As our conditions shall consist upon ,
- Our peace shall stand as firm as rocky mountains .
Lord Mowbray
192 - 199- Yea , but our valuation shall be such
- That every slight and false - derived cause ,
- Yea , every idle , nice , and wanton reason ,
- Shall to the King taste of this action ,
- That were our royal faiths martyrs in love ,
- We shall be winnow’d with so rough a wind
- That even our corn shall seem as light as chaff ,
- And good from bad find no partition .
Archbishop of York
200 - 217- No , no , my lord , note this : the King is weary
- Of dainty and such picking grievances ,
- For he hath found to end one doubt by death
- Revives two greater in the heirs of life ;
- And therefore will he wipe his tables clean
- And keep no tell - tale to his memory
- That may repeat and history his loss
- To new remembrance ; for full well he knows
- He cannot so precisely weed this land
- As his misdoubts present occasion .
- His foes are so enrooted with his friends
- That , plucking to unfix an enemy ,
- He doth unfasten so and shake a friend ,
- So that this land , like an offensive wife
- That hath enrag’d him on to offer strokes ,
- As he is striking , holds his infant up
- And hangs resolv’d correction in the arm
- That was uprear’d to execution .
Lord Hastings
218 - 222- Besides , the King hath wasted all his rods
- On late offenders , that he now doth lack
- The very instruments of chastisement ,
- So that his power , like to a fangless lion ,
- May offer , but not hold .
Archbishop of York
223 - 227- ’Tis very true ,
- And therefore be assur’d , my good Lord Marshal ,
- If we do now make our atonement well ,
- Our peace will , like a broken limb united ,
- Grow stronger for the breaking .
Lord Mowbray
228 - 229- Be it so .
- Here is return’d my Lord of Westmorland .
- Enter Westmorland .
Earl of Westmorland
230 - 231- The Prince is here at hand . Pleaseth your lordship
- To meet his Grace just distance ’tween our armies .
Lord Mowbray
232- Your Grace of York , in God’s name then set forward .
Archbishop of York
233- Before , and greet his Grace .— My lord , we come .
- They march about the stage and then move forward to meet
- Prince John .