Henry IV, Pt. 1
Act V, Scene 1

King Henry IV’s camp near Shrewsbury .
- Enter the King , Prince of Wales , Lord John of Lancaster , Sir
- Walter Blunt , Falstaff .
King Henry IV
1 - 3- How bloodily the sun begins to peer
- Above yon bulky hill ! The day looks pale
- At his distemp’rature .
Prince Henry
4 - 7- The southern wind
- Doth play the trumpet to his purposes ,
- And by his hollow whistling in the leaves
- Foretells a tempest and a blust’ring day .
King Henry IV
8 - 22- Then with the losers let it sympathize ,
- For nothing can seem foul to those that win .
- The trumpet sounds .
- Enter Worcester and Sir Richard Vernon .
- How now , my Lord of Worcester ? ’Tis not well
- That you and I should meet upon such terms
- As now we meet . You have deceiv’d our trust ,
- And made us doff our easy robes of peace ,
- To crush our old limbs in ungentle steel .
- This is not well , my lord , this is not well .
- What say you to it ? Will you again unknit
- This churlish knot of all - abhorred war ?
- And move in that obedient orb again
- Where you did give a fair and natural light ,
- And be no more an exhal’d meteor ,
- A prodigy of fear , and a portent
- Of broached mischief to the unborn times ?
Earl of Worcester
23 - 27- Hear me , my liege .
- For mine own part , I could be well content
- To entertain the lag end of my life
- With quiet hours ; for I protest
- I have not sought the day of this dislike .
King Henry IV
28- You have not sought it , how comes it then ?
29- Rebellion lay in his way , and he found it .
Prince Henry
30- Peace , chewet , peace !
Earl of Worcester
31 - 72- It pleas’d your Majesty to turn your looks
- Of favor from myself and all our house ,
- And yet I must remember you , my lord ,
- We were the first and dearest of your friends .
- For you my staff of office did I break
- In Richard’s time , and posted day and night
- To meet you on the way , and kiss your hand ,
- When yet you were in place and in account
- Nothing so strong and fortunate as I .
- It was myself , my brother , and his son ,
- That brought you home , and boldly did outdare
- The dangers of the time . You swore to us ,
- And you did swear that oath at Doncaster ,
- That you did nothing purpose ’gainst the state ,
- Nor claim no further than your new - fall’n right ,
- The seat of Gaunt , dukedom of Lancaster .
- To this we swore our aid . But in short space
- It rain’d down fortune show’ring on your head ,
- And such a flood of greatness fell on you ,
- What with our help , what with the absent King ,
- What with the injuries of a wanton time ,
- The seeming sufferances that you had borne ,
- And the contrarious winds that held the King
- So long in his unlucky Irish wars
- That all in England did repute him dead ;
- And from this swarm of fair advantages
- You took occasion to be quickly wooed
- To gripe the general sway into your hand ,
- Forgot your oath to us at Doncaster ,
- And being fed by us you us’d us so
- As that ungentle gull , the cuckoo’s bird ,
- Useth the sparrow ; did oppress our nest ,
- Grew by our feeding to so great a bulk
- That even our love durst not come near your sight
- For fear of swallowing ; but with nimble wing
- We were enforc’d for safety sake to fly
- Out of your sight and raise this present head ,
- Whereby we stand opposed by such means
- As you yourself have forg’d against yourself
- By unkind usage , dangerous countenance ,
- And violation of all faith and troth
- Sworn to us in your younger enterprise .
King Henry IV
73 - 83- These things indeed you have articulate ,
- Proclaim’d at market - crosses , read in churches ,
- To face the garment of rebellion
- With some fine color that may please the eye
- Of fickle changelings and poor discontents ,
- Which gape and rub the elbow at the news
- Of hurly - burly innovation ;
- And never yet did insurrection want
- Such water - colors to impaint his cause ,
- Nor moody beggars , starving for a time
- Of pell - mell havoc and confusion .
Prince Henry
84 - 101- In both your armies there is many a soul
- Shall pay full dearly for this encounter ,
- If once they join in trial . Tell your nephew
- The Prince of Wales doth join with all the world
- In praise of Henry Percy . By my hopes ,
- This present enterprise set off his head ,
- I do not think a braver gentleman ,
- More active , valiant , or more valiant , young ,
- More daring or more bold , is now alive
- To grace this latter age with noble deeds .
- For my part , I may speak it to my shame ,
- I have a truant been to chivalry ,
- And so I hear he doth account me too ;
- Yet this before my father’s Majesty :
- I am content that he shall take the odds
- Of his great name and estimation ,
- And will , to save the blood on either side ,
- Try fortune with him in a single fight .
King Henry IV
102 - 115- And , Prince of Wales , so dare we venture thee ,
- Albeit considerations infinite
- Do make against it . No , good Worcester , no ,
- We love our people well , even those we love
- That are misled upon your cousin’s part ,
- And , will they take the offer of our grace ,
- Both he and they and you , yea , every man
- Shall be my friend again , and I’ll be his .
- So tell your cousin , and bring me word
- What he will do . But if he will not yield ,
- Rebuke and dread correction wait on us ,
- And they shall do their office . So be gone ;
- We will not now be troubled with reply .
- We offer fair , take it advisedly .
- Exit Worcester with Vernon .
Prince Henry
116 - 118- It will not be accepted , on my life .
- The Douglas and the Hotspur both together
- Are confident against the world in arms .
King Henry IV
119 - 121- Hence therefore , every leader to his charge ,
- For on their answer will we set on them ,
- And God befriend us as our cause is just !
- Exeunt . Manent Prince , Falstaff .
122 - 123- Hal , if thou see me down in the battle and bestride me , so ;
- ’tis a point of friendship .
Prince Henry
124 - 125- Nothing but a Colossus can do thee that friendship . Say thy
- prayers , and farewell .
126- I would ’twere bed - time , Hal , and all well .
Prince Henry
127- Why , thou owest God a death .
- Exit .
128 - 140- ’Tis not due yet , I would be loath to pay him before his
- day . What need I be so forward with him that calls not on
- me ? Well , ’tis no matter , honor pricks me on . Yea , but how
- if honor prick me off when I come on ? How then ? Can honor
- set to a leg ? No . Or an arm ? No . Or take away the grief of a
- wound ? No . Honor hath no skill in surgery then ? No . What is
- honor ? A word . What is in that word honor ? What is that
- honor ? Air . A trim reckoning ! Who hath it ? He that died a’
- Wednesday . Doth he feel it ? No . Doth he hear it ? No . ’Tis
- insensible then ? Yea , to the dead . But will’t not live with
- the living ? No . Why ? Detraction will not suffer it .
- Therefore I’ll none of it , honor is a mere scutcheon . And so
- ends my catechism .
- Exit .