Henry IV, Pt. 1
Act IV, Scene 1

The rebel camp near Shrewsbury .
- Enter Hotspur , Worcester , and Douglas .
1 - 9- Well said , my noble Scot ! If speaking truth
- In this fine age were not thought flattery ,
- Such attribution should the Douglas have
- As not a soldier of this season’s stamp
- Should go so general current through the world .
- By God , I cannot flatter , I do defy
- The tongues of soothers , but a braver place
- In my heart’s love hath no man than yourself .
- Nay , task me to my word , approve me , lord .
Earl of Douglas
10 - 12- Thou art the king of honor .
- No man so potent breathes upon the ground
- But I will beard him .
- Enter a Messenger with letters .
13 - 14- Do so , and ’tis well .—
- What letters hast thou there ?— I can but thank you .
First Messenger
15- These letters come from your father .
16- Letters from him ! Why comes he not himself ?
First Messenger
17- He cannot come , my lord , he is grievous sick .
18 - 20- ’Zounds ! How has he the leisure to be sick
- In such a justling time ? Who leads his power ?
- Under whose government come they along ?
First Messenger
21- His letters bears his mind , not I , my lord .
Earl of Worcester
22- I prithee tell me , doth he keep his bed ?
First Messenger
23 - 25- He did , my lord , four days ere I set forth ,
- And at the time of my departure thence
- He was much fear’d by his physicians .
Earl of Worcester
26 - 28- I would the state of time had first been whole
- Ere he by sickness had been visited ,
- His health was never better worth than now .
29 - 42- Sick now ? Droop now ? This sickness doth infect
- The very life - blood of our enterprise ,
- ’Tis catching hither , even to our camp .
- He writes me here , that inward sickness —
- And that his friends by deputation could not
- So soon be drawn , nor did he think it meet
- To lay so dangerous and dear a trust
- On any soul remov’d , but on his own .
- Yet doth he give us bold advertisement
- That with our small conjunction we should on ,
- To see how fortune is dispos’d to us ,
- For , as he writes , there is no quailing now ,
- Because the King is certainly possess’d
- Of all our purposes . What say you to it ?
Earl of Worcester
43- Your father’s sickness is a maim to us .
44 - 53- A perilous gash , a very limb lopp’d off —
- And yet , in faith , it is not ; his present want
- Seems more than we shall find it . Were it good
- To set the exact wealth of all our states
- All at one cast ? To set so rich a main
- On the nice hazard of one doubtful hour ?
- It were not good , for therein should we read
- The very bottom and the soul of hope ,
- The very list , the very utmost bound
- Of all our fortunes .
Earl of Douglas
54 - 58- Faith , and so we should ,
- Where now remains a sweet reversion ,
- We may boldly spend upon the hope of what
- Is to come in .
- A comfort of retirement lives in this .
59 - 61- A rendezvous , a home to fly unto ,
- If that the devil and mischance look big
- Upon the maidenhead of our affairs .
Earl of Worcester
62 - 77- But yet I would your father had been here .
- The quality and hair of our attempt
- Brooks no division . It will be thought
- By some that know not why he is away
- That wisdom , loyalty , and mere dislike
- Of our proceedings kept the Earl from hence ,
- And think how such an apprehension
- May turn the tide of fearful faction ,
- And breed a kind of question in our cause .
- For well you know we of the off’ring side
- Must keep aloof from strict arbitrement ,
- And stop all sight - holes , every loop from whence
- The eye of reason may pry in upon us .
- This absence of your father’s draws a curtain
- That shows the ignorant a kind of fear
- Before not dreamt of .
78 - 86- You strain too far .
- I rather of his absence make this use :
- It lends a lustre and more great opinion ,
- A larger dare to our great enterprise ,
- Than if the Earl were here , for men must think ,
- If we without his help can make a head
- To push against a kingdom , with his help
- We shall o’erturn it topsy - turvy down .
- Yet all goes well , yet all our joints are whole .
Earl of Douglas
87 - 88- As heart can think . There is not such a word
- Spoke of in Scotland as this term of fear .
- Enter Sir Richard Vernon .
89- My cousin Vernon , welcome , by my soul !
90 - 92- Pray God my news be worth a welcome , lord .
- The Earl of Westmorland , seven thousand strong ,
- Is marching hitherwards , with him Prince John .
93- No harm . What more ?
94 - 97- And further , I have learn’d ,
- The King himself in person is set forth ,
- Or hitherwards intended speedily ,
- With strong and mighty preparation .
98 - 101- He shall be welcome too . Where is his son ,
- The nimble - footed madcap Prince of Wales ,
- And his comrades , that daff’d the world aside
- And bid it pass ?
102 - 115- All furnish’d , all in arms ;
- All plum’d like estridges , that with the wind
- Bated like eagles having lately bath’d ,
- Glittering in golden coats like images ,
- As full of spirit as the month of May ,
- And gorgeous as the sun at midsummer ;
- Wanton as youthful goats , wild as young bulls .
- I saw young Harry with his beaver on ,
- His cushes on his thighs , gallantly arm’d ,
- Rise from the ground like feathered Mercury ,
- And vaulted with such ease into his seat
- As if an angel dropp’d down from the clouds
- To turn and wind a fiery Pegasus ,
- And witch the world with noble horsemanship .
116 - 129- No more , no more ! Worse than the sun in March ,
- This praise doth nourish agues . Let them come !
- They come like sacrifices in their trim ,
- And to the fire - ey’d maid of smoky war
- All hot and bleeding will we offer them .
- The mailed Mars shall on his altar sit
- Up to the ears in blood . I am on fire
- To hear this rich reprisal is so nigh ,
- And yet not ours . Come let me taste my horse ,
- Who is to bear me like a thunderbolt
- Against the bosom of the Prince of Wales .
- Harry to Harry shall , hot horse to horse ,
- Meet and ne’er part till one drop down a corse .
- O that Glendower were come !
130 - 132- There is more news :
- I learn’d in Worcester , as I rode along ,
- He cannot draw his power this fourteen days .
Earl of Douglas
133- That’s the worst tidings that I hear of yet .
Earl of Worcester
134- Ay , by my faith , that bears a frosty sound .
135- What may the King’s whole battle reach unto ?
136- To thirty thousand .
137 - 141- Forty let it be !
- My father and Glendower being both away ,
- The powers of us may serve so great a day .
- Come let us take a muster speedily .
- Doomsday is near , die all , die merrily .
Earl of Douglas
142 - 143- Talk not of dying , I am out of fear
- Of death or death’s hand for this one half year .
- Exeunt .