Antony and Cleopatra
Act III, Scene 1

A plain in Syria.
- Enter Ventidius as it were in triumph with Silius and other
- Romans, Officers, and Soldiers, the dead body of Pacorus
- borne before him.
1 - 5- Now, darting Parthia, art thou struck, and now
- Pleas’d Fortune does of Marcus Crassus’ death
- Make me revenger. Bear the King’s son’s body
- Before our army. Thy Pacorus, Orodes,
- Pays this for Marcus Crassus.
6 - 12- Noble Ventidius,
- Whilst yet with Parthian blood thy sword is warm,
- The fugitive Parthians follow. Spur through Media,
- Mesopotamia, and the shelters whither
- The routed fly; so thy grand captain, Antony,
- Shall set thee on triumphant chariots, and
- Put garlands on thy head.
13 - 29- O Silius, Silius,
- I have done enough; a lower place, note well,
- May make too great an act. For learn this, Silius:
- Better to leave undone, than by our deed
- Acquire too high a fame when him we serve’s away.
- Caesar and Antony have ever won
- More in their officer than person. Sossius,
- One of my place in Syria, his lieutenant,
- For quick accumulation of renown,
- Which he achiev’d by th’ minute, lost his favor.
- Who does i’ th’ wars more than his captain can
- Becomes his captain’s captain; and ambition
- (The soldier’s virtue) rather makes choice of loss
- Than gain which darkens him.
- I could do more to do Antonius good,
- But ’twould offend him; and in his offense
- Should my performance perish.
30 - 32- Thou hast, Ventidius, that
- Without the which a soldier and his sword
- Grants scarce distinction. Thou wilt write to Antony?
33 - 37- I’ll humbly signify what in his name,
- That magical word of war, we have effected;
- How with his banners, and his well-paid ranks,
- The ne’er-yet-beaten horse of Parthia
- We have jaded out o’ th’ field.
38- Where is he now?
39 - 41- He purposeth to Athens, whither, with what haste
- The weight we must convey with ’s will permit,
- We shall appear before him. On, there, pass along!
- Exeunt.